Courses at OR&S
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Integrated Seminar The purpose of this seminar is to integrate the various courses of the three bachelor years of Commercial Engineering in a single integrated case study. The students will have to make a strategic analysis, build a marketing plan, build a production model as well to analyse the financial implications of their decisions. Learning by doing... for the very first time. Student group: Bachelor in Business Engineering (Ghent University) |
Project Management The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the concepts and techniques of project management. During the course, the three important dimensions of dynamic scheduling will be discussed, consisting of the schedule construction, risk analysis and project control. The content consists of theory, practical sessions and cases brought by project managers. One full session will be spent on advanced topics in project planning and scheduling. Student group: Master in Business Engineering and Civil Engineering (Ghent University) and Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (University College London) |
Applied Operations Research In this advanced Operations Research course, the students are put in an artificial consultancy project in which they have to analyze data of a case study and present various solutions in a guided way. In doing so, they gain insight in the applications of the different methods and techniques of Operations Research in a practical setting. With the use of optimization software, various optimization problems have to be solved and the solution have to be analyzed in a critical way. Student group: Master in Business Engineering (Ghent University) |
Statistics This course provides you with a mathematical grounding that should enable you to grasp the mathematical basis of the core courses of the Master in General Management at Vlerick Business School. This knowledge may also help you quantify decision processes and correctly assess the quantitative data provided by specialists. The course covers topics ranging from descriptive statistics to regression analysis.
Student group: Master in General Management (Vlerick Business School)
Decision Sciences The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the concepts and techniques of Operations Research. This course brings a mix of the technical aspects of modeling and the creativity it requires to translate the models into practical settings. Both deterministic and stochastic models will be presented and illustrated using exercises, case studies and real life examples. Student group: Master in General Management and MBA (Vlerick Business School) |
Thesisonderwerpen (in Dutch) Meer informatie over de thesisonderwerpen in Project Management (planning, controle, risico analyse) zijn beschikbaar door op het logo te klikken. Vraag meer uitleg aan de promotor of de begeleider (contactpersoon). Student group: Master in Business Engineering - Operations Management (Ghent University) |