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The Art of Project Management

Free book on Project Management

Download the book about Project Management entitled "The art of project management: A story about work and passion". Simply click on the book cover for a free PDF download (BE PATIENT! +100 MB!) and share this link with others by clicking on the LinkedIn button below. Thank you!

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The book contains stories about friendship, ideas, hard work and results on Project Management. It gives you a look into the endeavors done in the past and the ideas that will be done in the future. It tells about the products and ideas of OR-AS and gives you a brief overview of the most important people who inspired us and the OR-AS products. It tells about work, and the passion that has led to the results of the hard work. It is not a scientific book. It is no managerial book either. It is just a story ... about work and passion.


mario.vanhouck… Wed, 02/03/2021 - 08:21

Free book on Project Management

Download the book about Project Management entitled "The art of project management: A story about work and passion". Simply click on the book cover for a free PDF download (BE PATIENT! +100 MB!) and share this link with others by clicking on the LinkedIn button below. Thank you!

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The book contains stories about friendship, ideas, hard work and results on Project Management. It gives you a look into the endeavors done in the past and the ideas that will be done in the future. It tells about the products and ideas of OR-AS and gives you a brief overview of the most important people who inspired us and the OR-AS products. It tells about work, and the passion that has led to the results of the hard work. It is not a scientific book. It is no managerial book either. It is just a story ... about work and passion.